Dazed Joins Vital Team

Vital Hull are delighted to announce the arrival of a new co-editor


Vital Hull are very pleased to announce the arrival of Dazedandconfuzed to the site.

After speaking this morning, Dazed has agreed to join the Vital Football team. Dazed has become a site journalist for Vital Football and each week board members will be able to read his popular feature ‘The Dazed Review.’

The Dazed Review has been a feature on other websites but after recent developments Dazed has agreed to publish his articles on Vital Football. As well as his weekly match reports, Dazed is also hopeful of being able to offer exclusives that will only be available to Vital Football.

In the past, Dazed has revealed exclusive interviews with Chairman Adam Pearson and former manager Peter Taylor and Vital Football are now hopeful of being able to reveal more exclusive interviews in the coming months.

The site has been steadily growing since I took over the reigns back in late October but I am certain this latest development will be greatly beneficial for the site. Dazed has a large following of readers for his weekly review and I hope those readers will now consider joining Vital Football as the site looks to grow and grow.

Once again, Vital Football and its board members would like to welcome their newest site journalist and I hope he enjoys his stay here!

Welcome Dazednconfuzed!

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